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Participate in Our Research!

One of the best ways to know what our research is like is to participate! Listed below are all the current and upcoming studies you can participate in or learn more about. 

We are so excited to have you join our research!

Just a reminder that participation is voluntary.

Not sure what this means or have questions?

Please email us at for more information!

Research shows that teens spend a lot of their days (and nights) on social media! But, did you wonder how this affects their mood and sleep?


Our Pathways Linking Use of Social Media to Teen Outcomes (PLUS-2) study looks into different ways in which social media, sleep and mood affect each other! We study these relationships using smartphone sensing, analyzing your sleep, and daily and weekly surveys. We are also open to sharing our findings with teens so you can learn more about yourself!

If you are a teen between ages 14-17 with an Android phone, you may be eligible to participate and get paid!

Have you ever struggled to fall asleep at night or couldn’t go back to sleep once you woke up? You are not alone! Many young people have trouble with their sleep. We are trying out a new online sleep activity for young people (ages 13-25) who want to learn more about sleep or have sleep problems to see whether learning more about your sleep and giving helpful tips will improve your sleep in the short term - which may lead to long term improvement in sleep quality and depressive symptoms!

You only need to try it out once and it’s entirely remote!

Have you ever wondered how the upsetting content you see on social media can impact your mental health? Our Identifying Negative Violence Exposure on Social Media in Teens (INVEST) study evaluates the relationship between exposure to violence on social media and teen mental health outcomes. 

If you are a teen between ages 13-18 and use social media daily, you may be eligible to participate and get paid!

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